canon 6D — The Blog — Brandon Tigrett Phoenix Commercial Photographer

canon 6D

Fitness Lifestyle Photoshoot | April Bleicher | Scottsdale, AZ

Fitness Lifestyle Photoshoot | April Bleicher | Scottsdale, AZ

She works hard to ensure she can separate herself from the competition.  It takes dedication, a healthy diet and exercise.  The result of her hard work is clearly visible in the photos.

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Jeff Jameson | Business Professional Headshots | Scottsdale, AZ

Jeff Jameson | Business Professional Headshots | Scottsdale, AZ
"Don't make me look like a lobster."

That was the only request from Jeff before we started shooting.  You could say his previous headshot on Linkedin wasn't as flattering as he would have liked.  With his one request in mind, I reassured him nobody would be mistaking him for seafood after I was done with him!

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Debi Larosa | First Internet Bank | Loan Officer Headshots | Tempe, AZ

Debi Larosa | First Internet Bank | Loan Officer Headshots | Tempe, AZ

When you think of an average american mortgage loan officer, what comes to your mind?  A plane jane, boring person driving a mini van or something of the sort.  Well, that's what the movies tell us anyways.  Meet Debi Larosa.  She's not your average american mortgage loan officer.

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Francesca Hamilton | Real Estate Agent Headshots | Scottsdale, AZ

Francesca Hamilton |  Real Estate Agent Headshots | Scottsdale, AZ

Why are headshot sessions so much fun?

It's not technically challenging subject matter to photograph.  You nail your lighting set up / camera settings and can basically forget about your camera all together.  And that's the beauty of it.  Headshot sessions allow you to focus 100% of your energy interacting with your subject.  That's why I love shooting them.

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