I've just realized I never posted this shoot, and I was just rehired by the MenloCRE team to shoot a new member of their team. Well here's the original 9 members of the Menlo Group based in Tempe, AZ.
First we have Tanner Milne! 
Next we've got Grafton Milne!

Following Grafton is Rich Andrus!

Then we have Stuart Milne!

Then Lisa Royal!

And Robbie Thomson!

Skylar Bennet!

My main man Kevin Shoemaker!

Then there's Tiffanie Prince!

And the newest member of the team, and my most recent subject, Matt Porter!

The MenloCRE team is a great group of guys and gals. They even gave me a cookie the last time I was in the office to photograph Matt. :D
You can find them at their website www.menlocre.com
Here's a little team collage I threw together for them as well, just for fun.