New Goals - August — Brandon Tigrett Phoenix Commercial Photographer

New Goals - August

Hello anyone who reads this blog! I have a few goals I would like work towards.

1 ~ Really start using my blog more. I have roughly 8 half written photography related tutorials / articles as well as around maybe 30 unshared photo shoots from the past half of the year. I must reveal the awesome that is on!

2 ~ Start using my INSTAGRAM for more of my professional work as well!  No worries, the cat, food, and sunset pictures will still be there...(sarcasm)

3 ~ Start doing more personal projects! I have a book full of ideas sketched out that i need to act on. Which means I need models and athletes who want some epic photos of them!

4 ~ Going on more adventures!  This is a big one as it will help fuel the creativity, as well as give me more interesting topics to blog about and VLOG about.  Yes I wrote VLOG with a V! If you haven't seen it check it out.  I'm having loads of fun making these vlogs over on YouTube.  Subscribe while you're over there. :) Thanks.

5 ~ Travel more! enough said

6 ~ Take Chloe on more dates.  This is a personal goal, but just as important!  Gotta keep the personal life growing as well as the business.

7 ~ Start using my other social networks more.  Facebook ultimately sucks now.  You get 2% of your audience seeing your posts.  Google+ is starting to look promising.  Twitter is fun, and Instagram is my favorite next to YouTube.

For now I shall work on these.  Thanks for reading!  If you have any goals for yourself that you don't mind sharing, I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below! Thanks and have a great day.
