INSPIRATION — The Blog — Brandon Tigrett Phoenix Commercial Photographer


New Goals - August

New Goals - August

Hello anyone who reads this blog! I have a few goals I would like work towards.

1 ~ Really start using my blog more. I have roughly 8 half written photography related tutorials / articles as well as around maybe 30 unshared photo shoots from the past half of the year. I must reveal the awesome that is on!.....

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Clint Davis Makes Memorable Handmade Mailers to Stand Above Competition

Clint Davis Makes Memorable Handmade Mailers to Stand Above Competition

If you haven't heard of Clint Davis, you surely will soon.  This is because with a mailer marketing strategy like this, he's going to be getting all kinds of work from agencies.  You can read his full blog post as well as see all kinds of behind the scenes photos and detail here (click the link).  In this awesome short video Clint Davis shows what it takes to stand out when sending mailers to agencies, especially when hundreds of mailers hit their desk!

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