Cancer Treatment Centers of America - Jill Fargo Portraits — Brandon Tigrett Phoenix Commercial Photographer

Cancer Treatment Centers of America - Jill Fargo Portraits

A few months ago I was hired by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America to photograph their Chief Nursing Officer Jill Fargo.  They were doing a feature story on her in their national publication Cancer Fighters Thrive Magazine.   Jill has spent over 30 years in the nursing industry with one mission:  help patients live through and live with whatever health challenges they face.   Because Jill has done so much for so many patients in her long career, I wanted to be sure I showed her in the best way possible. When I was given the brief on this assignment, they told me the photo needed to show her compassion and advocacy for patient care.   With these few simple guidelines in mind, I set off to location scout the Cancer Treatment Center.   When I arrived I was surprised.  I immediately threw out all preconceived ideas I might have had from TV shows or movies about how a facility like this would look and feel.  It was clean, very modern and seemed like a happy environment.   Everyone I met with or talked to during my day location scouting the facility was friendly and in a great mood. All the patients had smiles on their faces.  Even the street name was called Celebrate Life Way! I could tell they were doing amazing work here, which made me want to capture the best portraits of Jill possible.

I couldn't have done this without the help of my amazing team.  Thank you to my hair and makeup artists Josie and Nicole, and my 2 assistants Carter and Chloe.  The shoot went off without any major hiccups, and I can only equate that to having a strong team, allowing me to focus solely on photographing and interacting with our amazing subject!

Here's the Tear Sheet from the article they did on Jill in Cancer Fighters Thrive, along with the two final portraits.

Cancer Fighters Thrive Tear Sheet - Jill Fargo
Cancer Fighters Thrive Tear Sheet - Jill Fargo
Cancer Treatment Center Of America - Jill Fargo Portrait
Cancer Treatment Center Of America - Jill Fargo Portrait
Cancer Treatment Center Of America - Jill Fargo Portrait
Cancer Treatment Center Of America - Jill Fargo Portrait