The month is now October, which means if we lived in any other state besides Arizona, we might be seeing the leaves change colors right now, along with a rapid drop in temperature. Well we don't, we're in Phoenix, AZ, and we have just made it through our first summer here. That's right, 115 degrees was our daily high, with a low of 107 if we were fortunate. But, we moved here for what we now get to experience, the 9 remaining months of perfect weather! Being that it is now October, we are into those amazing months. This post and accompanying video is to show a little update of what all has gone on over these summer months, and also to give a little update as to what the future holds for me, and Brandon Tigrett Photography LLC.
So little recap of what happened over the summer:
-Moved to Scottsdale, Arizona
-Mackenzie(sister) & Maddy(cousin) came to visit for a week at our new apartment
-Got a new kitten, Gracie
-Saw 4th of July fireworks, TWICE!
-Worked with some awesome people on photography assignments
-Filed my articles of organization and was awarded my LLC for the photography business
-Flew to Nashville, drove to Benton, KY and attended our good friend's wedding!
-Made new friends
Ok so now youve got a brief recap of the summer, here's what I have planned for the future!
Just kidding! :) I'm actually in the planning process of a book similar to what Chase Jarvis did with the Seattle 100 book. The idea stemmed from wanting to do something for the Hot Shot firefighters from the Yarnell, AZ fire earlier this summer. And then once I looked further into what Chase had done, I thought I could do something even bigger for the AZ firefighter's, and the rest of the people in Arizona who are really giving it all to make this state a better place.
On top of that the weather has been amazing lately so we've been hiking a ton lately, and here's a panoramic photo I stitched together made up of 4 photos, shot with a 50mm prime lens.

I also have a few other plans in the pipes that I can't necessarily share, but they will hopefully be out for everyone to see soon.
Here's a recent short video I edited together from some GoPro footage I took from last summer while golfing with my buddy. I didn't know what I wanted to do with it at the time so I was glad to finally get around to making a small story out of it.
As always you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Google+.